“I came to Kelly with the objective of having a convincing woman’s voice over the telephone. But that turned out to be quite a low bar. I left Kelly and have virtually never been misgendered since. I go places in a ball cap, T-shirt and jeans, with no make up at all, and still I am only ma’med. I do not come close to “passing” but on the strength of my voice, alone, people hear, “woman” and go with it. To me this was the most surprising result of voice therapy. And, if I had known how well it could work, I would have done it years ago.
I am a consultant. I literally talk for a living. When I thought about transitioning, I was pretty sure I would not be able to transition at work, and certainly not in front of customers. But after working with Kelly, I decided to try with just my work group. When I asked my closest friends about feedback on my voice, every single one said they heard only female. With that confidence, I moved quickly to full time at work, and started customer engagements presenting as a woman. In the past year, I have not had one issue, nor a single misgendering at work, or at customers. I attribute this in large part to the incredible work Kelly did with me.”
-Kate P.
Kelly was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC to work with! She was incredibly proactive in the way she recorded my voice, taught me breathing and speaking tricks, and just worked with me on how to feel most comfortable with the way I projected myself. She's got an actor's background, which made our sessions totally informative and super fun! She was very open-hearted and open-minded, never pushing any sort of agenda as to how my voice "should" sound. Most of all, she wanted me to feel comfortable being me. Kelly not only helped me tweak my voice in just the right fashion to support my gender identity, she also helped me along my journey with how I felt about my identity in my own head. My voice therapy with Kelly was an amazing experience and I highly recommend her!
I just wanted to say thank you for teaching me how to better control my voice, and for having me learn how to find a voice that I feel comfortable and suits me. Your teaching has really helped me a lot, and I’m so glad I was able to find a voice that makes me feel happier than I was before.
Kelly has been an incredibly helpful, supportive, kind, and knowledgeable voice therapist, and I am incredibly happy that I got to work with her to achieve a healthy, feminine voice. When I first sought out Kelly to help me with my voice, I had already been through voice training to lackluster results: I hadn’t been taught to use my voice healthily, and that led to not only my hurting my voice but also losing the results of that training. As a teacher, I felt like I had to choose between having the feminine voice I wanted to have and having a voice that could handle being in a classroom setting.
Kelly stepped in and—through her amazing lessons—taught me how to use my voice properly so that I wouldn’t have to make that choice. She was able to explain how voices work clearly and in ways that made the information accessible and understandable to a layman such as myself. Her lessons left me feeling that I could maintain my ideal voice from here on out as well as helped me get past the psychological hurdles of voice feminization therapy.
I recommend Kelly to anyone looking to improve their voice. As a trans woman, Kelly helped me find the voice that best reflected me. As a teacher, Kelly helped me learn how to improve and maintain my vocal health. I cannot imagine anyone regretting working with her.
—Krys D.